I know I'm late on this one. I've been meaning to do this strip for a LONG time now. But yeah... I can't STAND Raven's new costume. 90% of how you empathize with a character is through their face and (most especially) their eyes. When you deliberately cover up the eyes like that, to the point that there aren't even any eye holes, while also opening up the body to be practically naked... yeah that's objectification. You are encouraged to observe the body, but not any sort of facial features that would help you empathize with them as a person. It's also a great disconnect on readership, as this design is clearly meant for a male reader... but the vast majority of female readers know of and love the design of the animated TV show. It's like it's intentionally creating a barrier so that women can't get into the comic, and to keep it focused entirely on the male gaze for their presumed male readership. Despite, of course, statistics showing that more women are reading comics now than ever before. The design of her "hood" could've worked if they also didn't open up the body like that. I'm not opposed to the idea of covering up the eyes. On it's own that's an interesting design choice. But coupled with the half naked body underneath? Ugh... Anyway, that's just my opinion. I'm not a fan of her New 52 design.