So my previous comic was about how silly it is to have a mascot created for your “movement,” which is why I parodied GamerGate’s “Vivian James” with my own version “Occu-Lass Thrift: The Dumpster Diving College Graduate.” But as usual THAT discussion got completely sidelined by stupid nitpicky nonsense about my depiction of Vivian herself. She was too “happy.” Some said she looked like a “bimbo.” And some felt her “curvaceous features” were too “sexualized.” That, and the discussion about where she came from and why (being created by 4chan as part of winning the right to have a character in a game thanks to donations they made to TFYC’s), completely sidelined the actual point and interesting discussion I was HOPING to have about movements needing amalgamations created to represent them. So that’s what THIS comic is about. How my depiction of a bubbly personality and people's need to demonize that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the point that I was originally trying to make in the last comic.